## Title: Aufführungsbesprechung London: Oberon von C. M. v. Weber (5. Aufführung 17. April 1826) ## Author: Anonymus ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A031891 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Covent Garden Theatre.Weber's Oberon attracted an excellent house, and seems to have acquired a steady and extensive popularity. Mr. Braham is so prodigiously improved in the manner and spirit of his acting, that we are disposed to attach some credit to the report that he is to attempt the highest walks of tragedy, and is only perplexed in the selection of the character in which to make his debut. – His choice is said to vacillate between Richard and Othello.