## Title: Aufführungsbesprechung London, Covent-Garden: Oberon von Weber am 17. Juni 1826 ## Author: Anonymus ## Version: 4.11.0 ## Origin: https://weber-gesamtausgabe.de/A032341 ## License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Covent-Garden Theatre.Oberon has been represented twice and thrice a week to a full pit and gallery, but to rather thin boxes. It is much improved by the substitution of Duruset for Fawcett, in the character of Sherasman; for being a singing part, with but little action, it is much better suited to a decidedly vocal performer. We should be glad next season to see the character of Oberon likewise transferred. This opera was performed on Saturday, June the 17th, with the intention of transmitting the net proceeds to Madame Weber: but, alas! such is the nature of public gratitude, that the expences of the theatre were scarcely cleared! As a matter of curiosity, we should be glad to know, how many of those gentlemen who put themselves to some expense in order to attend the funeral, — to which, let it be remembered, great publicity was expected to be given — how many, we would fain inquire, contributed the small sum of seven shillings, — or even three-and-sixpence — to obtain an unostentatious seat at a performance due to the deceased, and which was intended to benefit his widow and children? At another benefit (so mis-named) taken at this theatre, all the strength of the Italien opera, Madame Pasta, &c., was engaged; when, lo! there was not forty pounds received at the doors. The season, a successful one, closed on Friday, the 23rd of June.