

Basic data

  1. Arouet, François Marie Real Name
  2. November 21, 1694 in Paris
  3. May 30, 1778 in Paris
  4. Schriftsteller, Philosoph, Historiker
  5. Paris, London, Berlin


Portrait c. 1720s, the Musée Carnavalet (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire was imprisoned in the Bastille from 16 May 1717 to 15 April 1718 in a windowless cell with ten-foot-thick walls.[19] (Source: Wikimedia)
Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton, 1738 (Source: Wikimedia)
In the frontispiece to Voltaire's book on Newton's philosophy, Émilie du Châtelet appears as Voltaire's muse, reflecting Newton's heavenly insights down to Voltaire.[59] (Source: Wikimedia)
Pastel by Maurice Quentin de La Tour, 1735 (Source: Wikimedia)
Die Tafelrunde by Adolph von Menzel: guests of Frederick the Great at Sanssouci, including members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences and Voltaire (third from left) (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire's château at Ferney, France (Source: Wikimedia)
House in Paris where Voltaire died (Source: Wikimedia)
Jean-Antoine Houdon, Voltaire, 1778, National Gallery of Art (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire's tomb in the Paris Panthéon (Source: Wikimedia)
Tomb of Voltaire in the Pantheon in Paris (Source: Wikimedia)
Title page of Voltaire's Candide, 1759 (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire at Frederick the Great's Sanssouci, by Pierre Charles Baquoy (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire at 70; engraving from 1843 edition of his Philosophical Dictionary (Source: Wikimedia)
Life and Works of Confucius, by Prospero Intorcetta, 1687 (Source: Wikimedia)
An illustration of a scene from Candide where the protagonist encounters a slave in French Guiana (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Voltaire in the Palace of Versailles, 1724-1725 (Source: Wikimedia)
Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon, 1778 (National Gallery of Art) (Source: Wikimedia)
First page to volume 19 of Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire. Nouvelle édition (1818) (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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