Hölderlin, Friedrich


Basic data

  1. Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich
  2. Scardanelli Pen Names
  3. March 20, 1770 in Lauffen (Neckar)
  4. June 7, 1843 in Tübingen
  5. Dichter, Schriftsteller, Übersetzer
  6. Tübingen, Nürtingen


Hölderlin by Franz Carl Hiemer, 1792 (Source: Wikimedia)
Friedrich Hölderlin's birthplace, Lauffen am Neckar (Source: Wikimedia)
Hölderlin attended the Tübinger Stift (pictured) from 1788 to 1793. (Source: Wikimedia)
The first floor of the yellow tower (now known as the Hölderlinturm) was Hölderlin's place of residence from 1807 until his death in 1843. (Source: Wikimedia)
Sketch of Hölderlin by Luise Keller, 1842 (Source: Wikimedia)
Hölderlin's autograph of the first three stanzas of his ode "Ermunterung" ("Exhortation") (Source: Wikimedia)
Friedrich Hölderlin Memorial in Lauffen am Neckar (Source: Wikimedia)
Norbert von Hellingrath during World War I (Source: Wikimedia)
Hölderlin Monument in the Alter Botanischer Garten Tübingen, 1881 (Source: Wikimedia)
Hyperion (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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