Aufführungsbesprechung London: Oberon von C. M. v. Weber (3. Aufführung 14. April 1826)


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Covent Garden Theatre.

The third represantation of Oberon was attended by a crowded audience last evening. The music of this Opera, the copy-right of which has been purchased by Mr. Hawes for 1,000 guineas, is about to appear immediately; each act will be printed separately, with appropriate lithographic embellishments, the execution of which has alone delayed the publication*. We copy the song of Madame Vestris, which has become so popular.

O! Araby! dear Araby!My own, my native land;Methought I cross’d the dark blue sea,And trod again thy strand;And there I saw my father’s tentBeneath the tall date trees:And the sound of music and merrimentCame sweetly on the breeze;And thus to the lightly touch’d guitar,I heard a maiden tellOf one who fled from a proud Serdar,With the youth she lov’d so well.Al, al, al, al! Though the night-star be high,’Tis the morning of joy for my Yusuf and I;Tho’ the flow’rs of the garden have clos’d ev’ry one,The rose of the heart blooms in Love’s rising sun.Al, al, al, al! Soon will Zeenab be far,From the drear Anderun of the cruel Serdar.Al, al al, al! ’Tis the neigh of his steed!O prove my good barb thou art worthy thy breed!Now o’er the salt desert we fly like the wind,And our fears fade as fast as the turrets behind.Al, al al, al! we the frontier have won,And may laugh at the Lord of the drear Anderun.




Schreiter, Solveig


  • Textzeuge: The Theatrical Observer; and Daily Bills of the Play, Nr. 1360 (15. April 1826)


    • „… has alone delayed the publication“Vgl. Anzeigen zum Klavierauszug I. Akt sowie II./III. Akt.


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