Dante Alighieri


Basic data

  1. 1265 in Florenz
  2. September 14, 1321 in Ravenna
  3. Dichter, Philosoph
  4. Florenz, Verona, Ravenna


Posthumous portrait in temperaby Sandro Botticelli, 1495 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante's house museum in Florence. The house has been significantly altered since Dante's time.[15] (Source: Wikimedia)
Alleged Dante portrait attributed to Giotto, in the chapel of the Bargello palace, Florence.[16] It was painted c. 1335 and has been restored.[17] (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Dante, c. 1375–1406, from a fresco in the Palazzo dei Giudici, Florence[16] (Source: Wikimedia)
Mural of Dante in the Uffizi, Florence, by Andrea del Castagno, c. 1450 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante and Beatrice, by Henry Holiday, inspired by La Vita Nuova, 1883 (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of Dante at the Uffizi (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of Dante in the Piazza Santa Croce in Florence, Enrico Pazzi, 1865 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante in Verona, by Antonio Cotti, 1879 (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante Alighieri, detail from Luca Signorelli's fresco in the Chapel of San Brizio, Orvieto Cathedral (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of Dante in Verona (Source: Wikimedia)
Recreated death mask of Dante in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante on the national side of the Italian 2 euro coin (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of Dante at Dante Park in Manhattan, New York City (Source: Wikimedia)
Bust of Dante by Luigi Casadio[78] at La Alameda Park, donated in 1922 by the Italian community of Quito, Ecuador[79] (Source: Wikimedia)
Divina Commedia (1472) (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante, poised between the mountain of purgatory and the city of Florence, displays the incipit Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita in a detail of Domenico di Michelino's painting, Florence, 1465. (Source: Wikimedia)
Dante and Virgil visiting Hell, as depicted in Inferno, painted by Rafael Flores, 1855 (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis des Dantes Aligerius, unbekannter Künstler - 1688 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dantes Aligerivs, Stimmer, Tobias - 1589 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Danthe, Stimmer, Tobias (zugeschrieben) - 1575/1577 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dantes Aligerus, 1597 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis von Dante D'Aligere, Boulonois, Esme de - 1682 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dante, Hoffmeister, Christian - 1839/1855 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dantes Aligervs, Philips Galle (zugeschrieben) - 1572 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dante Alighieri, Friedrich Weber (zugeschrieben) - 1856 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dante Alighieri, Christian Gottfried Zschoch - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Dante Alighieri, Christian Gottfried Zschoch - 1818/1832 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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