Böhme, Jacob


Basic data

  1. 1575 in Alt-Seidenberg bei Görlitz
  2. November 17, 1624 in Görlitz
  3. Mystiker, Schuhmacher
  4. Görlitz


Jakob Böhme (anonymous portrait) (Source: Wikimedia)
Joseph Mulder (Amsterdam 1686): Depiction of a possibly legendary episode in the life of Jakob Böhme. The Dutch caption reads: "Jakob Böhme with the preacher Gregor Richter in Görlitz, who was hostile to him in front of everyone, putting in a good word for a certain young baker from his followers. The gentleman became very angry about this, showed him the chamber door and threw one of his slippers at his head. But the good man meekly picked up the slipper, put it back on the foot of the angry preacher, and went on his way, wishing him every blessing." (Source: Wikimedia)
Böhme's cosmogony: The Philosophical Sphere or the Wonder Eye of Eternity (1620). (Source: Wikimedia)
Jakob Böhme's House in what was Görlitz but is now in a Polish town of Zgorzelec, where he lived from 1590 to 1610 (Source: Wikimedia)
Idealized portrait of Böhme from Theosophia Revelata (1730) (Source: Wikimedia)
18th-century illustration by Dionysius Andreas Freher for the book The Works of Jacob Behmen (Source: Wikimedia)
Bildnis des Iacobvs Boehme, Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp (ungesichert) - 1650/1750 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Jacob Böhme, 1701/1750 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacob Böhme, 1667/1700 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacob Bohme, unbekannter Künstler - 1601/1750 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacob Böhme, unbekannter Künstler - 1601/1750 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacob Böhme, Johann Benjamin Brühl - 1706/1763 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacobvs Boehme, Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp (ungesichert) - 1669/1732 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Iacob Böhme, 1701/1750 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Jakob Böhme, Johann Benjamin Brühl - 1624/1698 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)
Bildnis des Jakob Böhme, 1701/1800 (Quelle: Digitaler Portraitindex)

Biographical information from the WeGA

(Data migrated from der Edition von E. T. A. Hoffmanns Briefwechsel, hg. von Friedrich Schnapp (1967–1969); further information see there)

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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