Churchill, Charles


Basic data

  1. between 1 and February 28, 1732 in Westminster
  2. November 4, 1764 in Boulogne-sur-Mer
  3. Poet, Satiriker, Schriftsteller, Geistlicher
  4. London, South Cadbury


(Source: Wikimedia)
A satirical engraving of Wilkes by William Hogarth, who shows him with a demonic-looking wig, crossed eyes, and two editions of his The North Briton: Numbers 17 (in which he attacked, amongst others, Hogarth) and the famous 45 (Source: Wikimedia)
Charles Churchill's portrait was engraved and used by Paul Revere as a fake portrait of Colonel Benjamin Church to illustrate a 1772 edition of Benjamin Church's The Entertaining History of King Philip's War.[1] (Source: Wikimedia)
The Painter and his Pug by Hogarth (Source: Wikimedia)
1763 "portrait" of Churchill by William Hogarth (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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