Busoni, Ferruccio


Basic data

  1. Busoni, Ferruccio Dante Michelangiolo Benvenuto
  2. April 1, 1866 in Empoli bei Florenz
  3. July 27, 1924 in Berlin
  4. Pianist, Komponist, Bearbeiter, Herausgeber, Musikschriftsteller, Librettist, Musikpädagoge
  5. Bologna, Leipzig, Helsinki, Moskau, Boston, Berlin, Zürich


Busoni in 1913 (Source: Wikimedia)
Busoni in 1877 (Source: Wikimedia)
Busoni c. 1886 (Source: Wikimedia)
Busoni c. 1900 (Source: Wikimedia)
Cartoon by Busoni of his 1904 US tour, drawn for his wife: "Map of the West of the United States showing the long and dolorous Tour, the anti-sentimental journey of F.B., 1904, Chicago" (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Busoni by Umberto Boccioni, 1916 (in the collection of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome) (Source: Wikimedia)
Commemorative plaque at site of Busoni's apartment in Schöneberg, Berlin (Source: Wikimedia)
Busoni at the piano, from a postcard produced c. 1895–1900 (Source: Wikimedia)
Cover of first edition of Busoni's edition of Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, 1894 (Source: Wikimedia)
Sketch by Busoni of the structure of his Fantasia Contrappuntistica, 1910 (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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