Buxtehude, Dieterich


Basic data

  1. 1637 in Helsingborg
  2. May 9, 1707 in Lübeck
  3. Komponist, Organist
  4. Helsingborg, Helsingør, Lübeck


The only surviving portrait of Buxtehude, playing a viol, from Musical Company by Johannes Voorhout (1674) (Source: Wikimedia)
Memorial plaque at Buxtehude House in Helsingør (Source: Wikimedia)
This is Buxtehude House. The spire of St. Olaf's is in the background. (Source: Wikimedia)
Another person in the same Voorhout painting, once was thought to be Buxtehude. Research reported by Snyder (2007) has questioned this.[6] (Source: Wikimedia)
Example 1: This is the introduction from Prelude in F major, BuxWV 145. The motivic interaction seen here, in which a short motif is passing from one voice to another, sometimes sounding in two voices simultaneously, was frequently employed by Buxtehude in his preludes, frequently expanded to four voices with heavy use of pedal. (Source: Wikimedia)
Example 2: Fugue subjects from BuxWV 137, BuxWV 140, BuxWV 142 (two) and BuxWV 153 (Source: Wikimedia)
Example 4: The dissolution of the fugue before a free section. The final entry of the subject (in the pedal) is joined by the highest voice engaging in a scale run. (Source: Wikimedia)
Opening bars of Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BuxWV 184. The ornamented chorale in the upper voice is highlighted, original melody for the two lines present here is shown on separate staves. Note the basic imitative lines in bars 6–8 and 13–15. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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