Reincken, Johann Adam


Basic data

  1. Reinken, Jan Adams Alternative Names
  2. baptism-icon
    December 10, 1643 in Deventer
  3. November 24, 1722 in Hamburg
  4. Organist, Komponist, Gambist
  5. Hamburg


Johannes Voorhout: Domestic Music Scene (the man at the harpsichord is almost certainly Reincken, on his left most probably Dieterich Buxtehude playing the viola da gamba, and on his right, below the harpsichord, possibly Johann Theile) (Source: Wikimedia)
Johann Adam Reincken. (Source: Wikimedia)
Detail of a painting of Hamburg by Leopoldus Primus, ca. 1700. St. Catherine's Church is visible in the background. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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