Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich


Basic data

  1. January 13, 1690 in Grünstädtel
  2. November 27, 1749 in Gotha
  3. Komponist, Kapellmeister
  4. Gera, Gotha


Stölzel composed Die Freuden-Ernde for the 48th birthday of Magdalena Augusta, the wife of his employer Duke Frederick II, (Gotha, 23 October 1727) (Source: Wikimedia)
Early 18th-century manuscript copy of the "Traversa" part of Melchior Hoffmann's 1707 Magnificat in A minor (BWV Anh. 21, formerly attributed to Bach): this copy was likely written by a young Stölzel.[1] (Source: Wikimedia)
Sondershausen Palace and Market Square (Source: Wikimedia)
Gotha, with Schloss Friedenstein, c. 1730 (Source: Wikimedia)
Court chapel of Friedenstein Palace, where, from late 1719, most of Stölzel's sacred music was first performed (Source: Wikimedia)
Court chapel of Sondershausen Palace (Source: Wikimedia)
Page 58r of the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, written by J. S. Bach, containing the end of Stölzel's Partia and Bach's complement to its last movement (BWV 929). (Source: Wikimedia)
In 1761 Friedrich Wilhelm Birnstiel published Stölzel's Enharmonische Claviersonate (enharmonic keyboard sonata) in the second volume (13th instalment) of his Musikalisches Allerley [scores]. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

Ab 1719 Hofkapellmeister in Gotha.





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