Heinrich IV., König von Frankreich


Basic data

  1. Heinrich III., König von Navarra; Henri le Grand Alternative Names
  2. December 13, 1553 in Pau
  3. May 14, 1610 in Paris
  4. König
  5. Frankreich


(Source: Wikimedia)
Presumed portrait of Henry as a child (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait by Pierre Dumonstier, 1568 (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Henry III of Navarre (future Henry IV of France), c. 1575 (Source: Wikimedia)
King Henry IV in his coronation robes, by Frans Pourbus the Younger (Source: Wikimedia)
Henry IV at the Battle of Arques (Source: Wikimedia)
Henry IV at the Battle of Ivry, by Peter Paul Rubens (Source: Wikimedia)
Henry IV, as Hercules, vanquishing the Lernaean Hydra (i.e. the Catholic League), by Toussaint Dubreuil, c. 1600 (Source: Wikimedia)
Jeton with portrait of King Henry IV, made in Nuremberg (Germany) by Hans Laufer (Source: Wikimedia)
Entrance of Henry IV in Paris, 22 March 1594, with 1,500 cuirassiers (Source: Wikimedia)
Henri IV on Horseback Trampling his Enemy. Bronze, c. 1615–1620. From France, probably Paris. Victoria and Albert Museum, London (Source: Wikimedia)
Itinerary of François Pyrard de Laval (1601–1611) (Source: Wikimedia)
Engraving of Henry IV (Source: Wikimedia)
Demi-écu coin of Henry IV, Saint Lô (1589) (Source: Wikimedia)
Bilingual Franco-Turkish translation of the 1604 Franco-Ottoman Capitulations between Sultan Ahmed I and Henry IV of France, published by François Savary de Brèves (1615)[42] (Source: Wikimedia)
Henry IV, Musée des Augustins (Source: Wikimedia)
Henri IV, Marie de' Medici and family (Source: Wikimedia)
Relief of Henry IV on the facade of the Hôtel de Ville, Lyon (Source: Wikimedia)
Equestrian portrait of Henry IV of France with a view of Paris to the north of the River Seine. To his left, the Bullant Pavilion of the Tuileries Palace, and In the background, Montmartre Abbey. To his right, the Tour du Bois behind the wall of Charles V, and further right, the Louvre Palace, c. 1595 (Source: Wikimedia)
Henry IV and Marie de' Medici (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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