Alexandra Josifowna, Großfürstin von Russland


Basic data

  1. Alexandra Friederike Henriette Pauline Marianne Elisabeth von Sachsen-Altenburg Birth Name
  2. July 8, 1830 in Altenburg
  3. July 6, 1911greg. in St. Petersburg
  4. Altenburg, St. Petersburg, Stelno, Wiesbaden


(Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler, c. 1850 (Source: Wikimedia)
Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna of Russia by Franz Xaver Winterhalter. (Source: Wikimedia)
(Clockwise) Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna with her five eldest children: Nicholas, Olga, Dimitri, Vera and Constantine Constantinovich (Source: Wikimedia)
Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna with her daughter, Queen Olga of Greece, her female-line great-granddaughter, Princess Maria of Sweden and female-line great-great-grandson, Lennart. Behind Grand Duchess Alexandra there is a portrait of Olga's late daughter and Maria's mother, Alexandra. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

  • Tochter von Joseph von Sachsen-Altenburg und Amalie von Württemberg
  • heiratete am 11. September 1848 den russischen Großfürsten Konstantin (Übertritt zur russisch-orthodoxen Kirche)





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