Brougham & Anderson an Johann Noë & Johann Peter Gogel in Frankfurt/Main
Edinburgh, Freitag, 9. Juni 1826


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The following is nearly a copy of one sent by Brougham & Anderson […] to their correspondent at Frankfort

M.r Thomson of this city, a friend of ours, having in December last written to M.r Carl Maria von Weber to request him to compose a little music for him, as he had done formerly, we according to Mr Thomson’s wish gave him an order upon you to pay to M.r von Weber 16 Ducats upon his receipt, which M.r T transmitted to him. The composer who at that time was busy in preparing for his journey to England, did not find leisure to do what M.r T wanted, and since his arrival in London was so constantly occupied in bringing out his Opera of Oberon, & at Concerts, as to have been unable to think of the music for M.r T.

Unfortunately for the musical world, that celebrated composer is no more: he died on Sunday last, deeply regretted by every admirer of his Genius –

As it may happen that his friends in going over his papers may find our order upon you above mentioned, — and in ignorance of the circumstances before stated, may possibly apply to you for payment of the money, we write this to prevent your paying it, if it should be demanded.

A short time since we gave Mr Thomson an order upon you for twenty ducats, which he sent to a Composer at Weimar, who has probably applied or will very soon apply to you for payment.



Auftrag Weber 16 Ducaten im Auftrag von Thomson zu senden für eine kleine Musik, die Thomson im Dezember schriftlich von Weber erbeten hatte; im Falle die Angehörigen in den Papieren den Auftrag finden und nicht wissen, worum es geht, wird die Firma Gogel gebeten, das Geld nicht zu schicken, falls es abgefordert wird


Eveline Bartlitz


  • Text Source: Copy: London (GB), The British Library (GB-Lbl)
    Shelf mark: ADD. Ms 35265 fol. 171–172

    Physical Description

    • 1 Bl. (2 b. S. o. Adr.)
    • Kopie von George Thomsons Hand mit Vermerken von Thomson und Extrablatt mit Zusammenfassung dieses Briefes (Bl. 172).

    Corresponding sources

    • WeGA Bd. VIII/12 (Schott. Lieder), S.262f.

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