Wilhelm Heinrich Göschen an Sir George Smart in London
London, Samstag, 1. Juli 1826


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Dear Sir,

The family of our lamented friend have not availed themselves of the offer of my Services, as you will perceive from the Translation of Mr. Fürstenau’s power of Attorney, in which my name does not appear. I have therefore no official communication to make to you, but give me leave to address a few words to you in Support of our friend Fürstenau’s proposal to deviate in this Instance from the usual formalities. Fürstenau wishes to leave London as soon as possible and to see everything settled before he goes. I can see no kind of danger in your paying over to him the money of Mrs. von Weber, and delivering up the Effecte to him, as the Saxon Chargé d’Affaires will instantly give you a discharge as satisfactory as possible which must protect you from any future Claim, if such a proceeding could ever be contemplated: I am perfectly convinced, that no one abroad would ever think of any future demand upon you; the power of attorney being according to the law sufficient authority for you to deliver everything into the hands of Mr. Fürstenau; the Chargé d’Affaires guarantee added to this would satisfy my mind perfectly.

I have still the key to the box of the Silver Cup* which I forgot to give Mr. Fürstenau this morning; I shall deliver it to him as soon as I see him.

I remain, dear Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
H. Goeschen.



Frank Ziegler

Überlieferung in 2 Textzeugen

  • 1. Textzeuge: London (GB), The British Library (GB-Lbl)


    • von Smart beantwortet am 3. Juli 1826

    Dazugehörige Textwiedergaben

    • Bernhard Maria Heinrich Schneeberger, Die Musikerfamilie Fürstenau. Untersuchungen zu Leben und Werk, Teil I, Münster, Hamburg 1992, S. 279f.
  • 2. Textzeuge: Leaves from the Journals of Sir George Smart, hg. von Hugh Bertram Cox und C. L. E. Cox, London 1907, S. 251


Textwiedergabe nach Erstveröffentlichung 1907


    • „… box of the Silver Cup“Den Silberpokal hatte Weber am 16. März 1826 geschenkt bekommen; vgl. seine Tagebuchnotizen und den Brief an seine Ehefrau vom 16./17. März 1826 inklusive Kommentaren.


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