Aufführungsbesprechung, London: „Der Freischütz“ von Carl Maria von Weber am 5. August 1824

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English Opera-House.

On Thursday, 5th August, after the performance of the new musical piece called Der Freischutz, which is now enjoying a full popular career, another musical production, entitled The Reign of Twelve Hours, was produced for the first time. […] | […] The house was crowded in all parts, for, as we have already stated, the first performance of the evening has become an established favourite with the town.

Miss STEPHENS made her first ¦ appearance at this Theatre on the 11th, and was received, as usual, with the most cheering applause. Our respect for this delightful vocalist induces us, however, to mention, that the people came to hear WEBER’S music, through the very sweet medium of her voice, and that those who knew any thing about the matter were astonished and grieved, when she overcharged it with ornament to such a degree as to change the effect and destroy its meaning. We allude most particularly to her grand scena, which is essentially graceful, as it is noted. It is not framed to bear any thing of adventitious decoration, and though liberties may be taken with the works of certain of our English composers (and, perhaps, with benefit to them) they are not to be rashly attempted upon the chef d’œuvre of a great German master. Every lady will go to hear Miss STEPHENS in Agnes*, and every lady will be delighted with her, if she does not persist in putting her own music to the part – for, on Saturday, the transformation was so perfect, that, but for the orchestra, WEBER himself would not have recognised the favorite offspring of his genius. We, therefore, implore Miss STEPHENS to adhere rigidly to her text, and not to introduce „Excursions and Alarums.“ When she has consented to these trammels, the „Freischutz“ will be the best gotten-up piece that a summer theatre ever presented. By its inspiration, BRAHAM, has started into an actor. Mr. BENNETT, accused of imitating MACREADY, plays Caspar better than his prototype could do it. – Mr. T. P. COOKE is a devil every inch of him; and though last not least, Mr. BARTLEY is, in this, as in every thing else, easy, natural, and respectable. – We must say a word of Miss NOEL, upon the cession of her part – not a parting word, for we hope to see her often. She is an interesting person, of considerable musical ability, without an atom of affectation and we do trust that she will soon overcome the timidity which has hither to impeded the full developement of her talent.



Aufführungsbesprechung vom „Freischütz“ unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sänger



Jakob, Charlene


  • Textzeuge: The European Magazine and London Review: Illustrative of the Literature, History, Biography, Politics, Arts, Manners, and Amusements of the Age, Bd. 86 (Juli 1824 - Januar 1825), S. 176–177


    • „… hear Miss STEPHENS in Agnes“In einer englischen Version des Freischützen Rollenname für Agathe.


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