Georg IV., König von Großbritannien


Basic data

  1. Georg IV., König von Hannover; Georg, Prinz von Wales; Georg IV. August Friedrich, König von Großbritannien; George IV., King of Great Britain; George IV. Augustus Frederick, King of Great Britain Alternative Names
  2. August 12, 1762 in St. James’s Palace (London)
  3. June 26, 1830 in Windsor Castle (Windsor)
  4. König von Großbritannien
  5. London


(Source: Wikimedia)
George (left) with his mother, Queen Charlotte, and younger brother, Frederick. Portrait by Allan Ramsay, 1764 (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait miniature by Richard Cosway, c. 1780–82 (Source: Wikimedia)
Mezzotint engraving by Samuel William Reynolds, based on a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1785 (Source: Wikimedia)
Miniature by Richard Cosway, 1792 (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of George, Prince of Wales by Sir William Beechey, 1798 (Source: Wikimedia)
Profile by Sir Thomas Lawrence, c. 1814 (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait in Garter robes by Lawrence, 1816 (Source: Wikimedia)
George IV's coronation, 19 July 1821 (Source: Wikimedia)
George IV at Holyhead en route to Ireland on 7 August 1821, the day of his wife's death (Source: Wikimedia)
Half-crown of George IV, 1821 (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait by Sir David Wilkie depicting George during his 1822 trip to Scotland (Source: Wikimedia)
Lithograph of George IV in profile, by George Atkinson, printed by C. Hullmandel, 1821 (Source: Wikimedia)
"A VOLUPTUARY under the horrors of Digestion": 1792 caricature by James Gillray from George's time as Prince of Wales (Source: Wikimedia)
Statue of George IV in Trafalgar Square, London (Source: Wikimedia)
An obelisk in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, honouring George IV's 1823 visit (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

  • ältester Sohn des Königs George III. von Großbritannien und Irland (1738–1820) und dessen Frau Charlotte
  • seit 08. April 1795 vermählt mit Caroline Amalie Elisabeth, Tochter des Herzogs Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
  • ab 1811 Regent von Großbritannien, da sein erkrankter Vater Georg III. regierungsunfähig war
  • 1820 bis 1830 König des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Irland und König von Hannover





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