Adolph Martin Schlesinger to Welsh and Hawes in London
Berlin, Monday, September 25, 1826
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Absolute Chronology
- 1826-08-30: to Friedrich Wilhelm IV.
- 1826-09-25: from Weber
- 1826-09-27: to Plattner
- 1828-07-11: from Weber
Direct Context
I hope you have received in time the 50 copies of the Overture of Oberon for Orchester; I am‡ arrived here some days ago, and ordered directly paper like yours‡ the english, so that our new publications will be quite like yours. I promised you to send you the list of the arrangements we made of Oberon (and which will be published in some weeks), what I do hereafter:
- 1) a Selection as Duett for 2 Flutes
- 2) dto as Duett for 2 Violins
- 3) as Quartett for 2 Violins, Tenor and Violoncello
- 4) as Quartett for Flute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello
- 5) the Overture and the airs, duetts & & & for military band in score
- 6) a Selection for Guitarre
I do not doubt the arrangement we made together will be convenient to you, and I hope that you will indicate me in a short time the number you want of this pieces, with or without title or address. I repeat to you that if you want only a small quantity (12 or 25 copies) of one or the other, so that you cannot print your own title, I shall put off our address and print yours. Expecting now your answer I am
Your humble ser[van]t
[ohne Unterschrift]
hofft, die 50 Ex. Oberon-Ouvertüre seien angekommen; listet seine Arrangements auf; hat englisches Papier bestellt, damit die Drucke von den engl. nicht zu unterscheiden sind; über die Frage des Titelblatt-Drucks
“I hope you have received in time the 50 copies”
- Übertragung
- Eveline Bartlitz; Joachim Veit
Text Source: Draft: Erzhausen (D), Archiv des Verlags Robert Lienau (D-ERZrl)
Shelf mark: Kopierbuch Schlesinger 1826–1833, S. 55–56