Ludwig XIV., König von Frankreich


Basic data

  1. Louis XIV., König von Frankreich Alternative Names
  2. September 5, 1638 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye
  3. September 1, 1715 in Versailles
  4. Paris, Versailles


(Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV as a young child, unknown painter (Source: Wikimedia)
Baptismal certificate, 1638 (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV, then Dauphin of France, in 1642, one year before his accession to the throne, by Philippe de Champaigne (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV in 1643, by Claude Deruet (Source: Wikimedia)
Europe after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 (Source: Wikimedia)
1655 portrait of Louis, the Victor of the Fronde, portrayed as the god Jupiter (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait by Justus van Egmont between the years 1649–1652. (Source: Wikimedia)
Royal Monogram (Source: Wikimedia)
Members of the Académie des sciences with Louis in 1667; in the background appears the new Paris Observatory. (Source: Wikimedia)
Engraving of Louis XIV (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis and his family portrayed as Roman gods in a 1670 painting by Jean Nocret. L to R: Louis's aunt, Henriette-Marie; his brother, Philippe, duc d'Orléans; the Duke's daughter, Marie Louise d'Orléans, and wife, Henriette-Anne Stuart; the Queen-mother, Anne of Austria; three daughters of Gaston d'Orléans; Louis XIV; the Dauphin Louis; Queen Marie-Thérèse; la Grande Mademoiselle. (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV in 1670, engraved portrait by Robert Nanteuil (Source: Wikimedia)
The future Philip V being introduced as King of Spain by his grandfather, Louis XIV (Source: Wikimedia)
The Battle of Tolhuis, Louis XIV crosses the Lower Rhine at Lobith on 12 June 1672; Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV, 1670, by Claude Lefèbvre (Source: Wikimedia)
The Persian embassy to Louis XIV sent by Soltan Hoseyn in 1715. Ambassade de Perse auprès de Louis XIV, studio of Antoine Coypel. (Source: Wikimedia)
Siamese embassy of King Narai to Louis XIV in 1686, led by Kosa Pan. Engraving by Nicolas Larmessin. (Source: Wikimedia)
Portrait of Louis XIV (gray pastel on paper by Charles Le Brun, 1667, Louvre Museum) (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis receiving the Doge of Genoa at Versailles on 15 May 1685, following the Bombardment of Genoa. (Reparation faite à Louis XIV par le Doge de Gênes. 15 mai 1685 by Claude Guy Halle, Versailles.) (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV in 1685, the year he revoked the Edict of Nantes (Source: Wikimedia)
Protestant peasants rebelled against the officially sanctioned dragonnades (conversions enforced by dragoons, labeled "missionaries in boots") that followed the Edict of Fontainebleau. (Source: Wikimedia)
Battle of Fleurus, 1690 (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis in 1690 (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis XIV at the siege of Namur (1692) (Source: Wikimedia)
Marshal de Luxembourg (Source: Wikimedia)
Philip V of Spain (Source: Wikimedia)
Louis in 1701 (Source: Wikimedia)
The Franco-Spanish army led by the Duke of Berwick defeated decisively the Alliance forces of Portugal, England, and the Dutch Republic at the Battle of Almansa. (Source: Wikimedia)

Biographical information from the WeGA

No biographical data found

Biography not available due to one of the following causes:

  • Data will be added at a later stage
  • Research of the WeGA was without success so far
  • It is a well known person where enough information is available online elsewhere, see e.g Wikipedia





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